Week 3 Analogy/ Homology Assignment
- A)
Humans and whales have a similar homologous bone structure in
the arm. Whales and humans have a humorous, radius, ulna, carpals,
metacarpals, and phalanges these bones make up our arms as well
as a whale's flippers.
homologous trait is the bone structure of both organisms in the arms. The arms
of humans are very different from whales because we evolved from an ancestor
who lived in trees and needed longer forearms to help them climb while whales
have the same bones but their structure is shorter in terms of the forearm and suited for
only water where they use their flippers to help them maneuver through
the water. These homologous traits exert differences because they live in two
polar opposite environments. Humans live on land so we rely more heavily
on our arms to pick things up while whales live only in the water so they need
to use their flippers to help them maneuver their big bodies through
the water.
C) Since humans and
whales are considered mammals I think that the common ancestor has to be an
animal that spent most of its time on land. The ancestor would have to be
a land animal because it was firstly a mammal and plus only mammals have the
same bone structures.

- A)
I think two species who are totally different but are characterized close
has to be the platypus and the duck. Both species have bills and
lay eggs but the difference is that the platypus is a mammal and the duck
is a bird.
B) The analogous traits
of both species are the bill, the webbed feet, and the ability to lay eggs. The
platypus and duck both have webbed feet in order to help them swim. They also
both have bills but the platypus uses its bill as like an extension of an electric
field in order to catch prey. They both also lay eggs which is uncommon for a
mammal. Even though these species are similar they are two totally
different species.
C) I think that the
platypus has a common relative to the duck . In my opinion, I
believe that there was a divergence between a mammal and a bird in order to
have an organism who is able to lay eggs and yet still be considered a mammal.